Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Best Diamond Wedding Ring

There are now so many options for people to buy the perfect diamond ring and expectations are getting higher and higher. But just because the diamond wedding ring is the most expensive does this make it the best?

The Most Expensive Diamond Wedding Ring Qualities

The most expensive diamond wedding ring is the most expensive because it normally has the following characteristics in it;
• It has the largest carat in the world
• It is the most complex diamond in the world
• It is the most beautiful and elegant stone in the world

Many will argue however, that just because the diamond wedding ring is expensive it doesn’t make it the best.

Diamond Wedding Ring Conclusion

In conclusion, diamond wedding rings are chosen for a reason. The reason is because the person buying it feels it is best for their partner. After all, the whole point in buying a diamond wedding ring is to make your partner happy and if they are happy, then everybody wins!

The Platinum Diamond Wedding Ring
Executive summary about Diamond Wedding Ring by Low Jeremy

Diamond rings come in all sorts of cuts and designs. One of the most popular is the princess cut and the brilliant cut, which can have more than 57 facets. One should also take into consideration the color of the diamond. The whiter the color, the more expensive it is. Another consideration is the clarity, which refers to the lack of imperfections in the stone.

With a lot of artisans and jewelry designers, there are perhaps a thousand styles to choose from, Victorian, Zen, Regency. One of the more modern styles is the one that uses the platinum as the setting. Unlike yellow gold and white gold, platinum has only gained ground in recent years. Brides are drawn to its unique color and luster. Platinum, in fact, is actually more expensive than gold.

This is because platinum is much harder to obtain and manufacture than gold or silver. In mining terms, it will take ten tons of ore to be able to produce an ounce of platinum. This is compared to the only three to four tons of ore that one needs to make an ounce of gold. In addition, there are also fewer platinum mines as compared to gold mines. In virtue of the laws of supply and demand, is it any wonder that the platinum diamond ring that you have been salivating for months now threaten to burn a hole in your pocket?

When selecting a platinum diamond wedding ring, it is important that you look for the signage or engraving that says PLAT or PT950. This means that the platinum is genuine and that it is 95 percent pure platinum. Without these, do not buy as you may be buying something that is not worth your money.

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